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Simple Ayurvedic approaches to help you get through this time

General Ayurvedic health guidelines can be instrumental in keeping your s%*t together in times like this. Everyone, regardless of your constitution, can benefit from basic Ayurvedic health principles, such as:

·       Eat healthy, organic, nutritious foods.

·       Get out in nature. (What else are you going to do right now?)

·       Practice yoga. (Again, what else are you going to do right now?)

·       Meditate

·       Practice calming pranayama (breath control)

If you are able to pinpoint more specifically where your feelings of discontent are coming from, here are some easy to follow suggestions for when one or more specific doshas gets out of balance:


If you are experiencing:

·       feelings of anxiety, fear and/or restlessness

·       insomnia

·       self-doubt

·       gas, bloating, constipation

You may have a vata imbalance. Try vata balancing practices, such as:

·       Meditate (a very important tool in keeping vata balanced)

·       Practice calming pranayama and/or restorative/Yin yoga shortly before retiring for the evening.

·       NO SCREEN TIME IN BED (easier said than done, I know)

·       Do esteemable acts – speak up about your wants and needs, establish boundaries, practice saying no, etc.

·       Favor foods that are sweet (think fruit, not cake), cooked, warm and moist.


If you are experiencing:

·       Feelings of anger, judgment, irritability

·       Rashes, hives and/or skin irritations

·       Diarrhea and/or acidity in the digestive tract

You may have a pitta imbalance. Try pitta balancing practices, such as:

·       Decrease the intensity in your life. Lighten the load of responsibilities, or, at the very least, lighten the load of your own expectations of what you “should” be doing right now.

·       Eliminate heat and increase cool. Avoid spicy foods, fried foods, carbonated beverages, and, if possible, coffee (let’s be real. As out of balance as my pitta tends to get, I’ll be damned if I ever give up coffee)

·       Opt for cooling foods (not necessary foods that are cool to the touch, but foods that have a cooling effect on the body and mind)

·       Drink aloe juice (great for internal inflammation!)


If you are experiencing:

·       Feelings of depression and/or wanting to hoarde,

·       Holding grudges

·       Weight gain and/or lethargy

·       Slow moving digestion

You may have a kapha imbalance. As Springs begins, we start to move from Kapha season to Pitta season, which means Kapha imbalances may be more prevalent for some people this time of year. Try kapha balancing practices, such as:

·       Socialize. Reach out (not literally, of course!) to talk to someone

·       Let go. Purge. Give unnecessary items to those in need

·       Move your body. Stay active. Take advantage of all the online yoga classes being offered by Yoga Hohm.

·       Add heat to your diet in the form of spices and temperature. Eat foods that are light, like vegetables, some fruit, and legumes.

Colds and flus are generally conditions of out of balance kapha. Herbs like ginger, holy basil and turmeric are commone go-to herbs in Ayurveda for treating cold and flu. Chew on basil, make a tea out of ginger, add turmeric to your cooking. Most remedies in Ayurveda are simple and combine nature with common sense.

If you want to learn more and receive help developing a customizable, personalized Ayurvedic protocol for your own health, I am available for online Ayurvedic consultations.

Renee Downing