Yoga & Massage in Downtown Delavan, WI

Meet Your Fellow Yogis

This section is dedicated to the inspirational students at Yoga Hohm. Click the pictures to read their stories

Trisha F.

How long have you been practicing yoga?

I started in May of 2018.

How often do you currently practice?
About 4-5 days a week.

What was it that made you want to try yoga for your first time?
I have always worked out, but I was starting to have a lot of problems with my feet and my wrists, and my hips from being on the treadmill. I was having a lot of aches and pains, so I felt like I have to try something else. As I get older, I’m having a lot more issues with my body so I’m going to have to start doing something different. I always did yoga, but I did it at home because I felt like I didn’t know what I was doing, and I was embarrassed. I told myself I just had to try a class.

What was the final kick that got you to try a class?

Number one I was really stressed out. I felt like my usual working out was stressing me out more. Mentally and physically I felt like I was always tired. So, I came here. I just said I’m just going to have to do it. When I came to my first class, it was a really hectic week at work. I had been working like crazy and I was in tears because I didn’t think I was going to make it. But I came running in the doors and I made it, and I did it even though I didn’t know what I was doing. I was embarrassed because I didn’t know what I was doing. I knew a few poses from videos, but I didn’t really know the poses. It was super hard in the beginning. I was sore. But I had to just keep doing it. I feel like I’m getting results. I feel better about myself. I can carry myself a lot easier, go up and down stairs, in and out of a boat. I just feel better.

Have you gone through periods of time without practicing yoga since you started? Sometimes. It’s usually work-related when I can’t make it to class, and I’m always running to make it to class, but I make it. I tell everybody at work that I have a yoga class to get to and they respect that. I come in to work earlier so I can make it to class. I have all my stuff set out at home. I plan ahead so I can make it to class. Even my friends and family understand that yoga is important to me.

Have you gone back to your old modality of exercise since you started practicing yoga?

Actually, I did. In December I started lifting weights and using the treadmill again and I started having problems with my wrists again. So, I pulled out one of my old yoga videos, and now that I know what I’m doing, I know I can pull those out for a home routine when I can’t make it to class. I have a lot of problems with my feet because I’m on them a lot for work, and yoga just works better for my body.

Have you noticed if yoga has had any effect on your job?

My job is very stressful. Yoga helps a lot. I tell young people I wish I would have found yoga 20 years ago. I would be a different person. When I am really stressed at work, I meditate more. I’m sleeping better. I’m resting. I’m really hyper and can’t sit still, but I have noticed that since I started practicing yoga, I actually have more energy. I’m not falling asleep on the couch, in the middle of a movie. I don’t get angry as much (I have a bad temper. I have learned to control that a little)