Yoga & Massage in Downtown Delavan, WI

Special Events

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How to Move Your Asana - Twists
10:30 AM10:30

How to Move Your Asana - Twists

with Renee Downing

This is a series of workshops designed to give you a better understanding of the poses and sequences offered in asana (asana means pose) classes. Poses will be broken down to understand musculoskeletal anatomy – which muscles should be contracting and which should be lengthening, which joints should be involved and which should not, which direction body parts should be moving or not moving and why, and so on. You will also learn about the benefits and contraindications for each pose, and modifications will be given for individual needs. Plus, you will be able to apply the knowledge you obtain to many other similar poses not covered in the workshop.

In this particular workshop we will focus on twists (poses that require the spine to rotate) Examples include Revolved Lunge, Revolved Chair, Revolved Triangle, Revolved Hand to Big Toe Pose, Half Lord of the Fishes, Seated Twists and Supine Twist) Learn benefits, contraindications and modifications for the poses and what not to do in them. Understand why the goal is not to turn your body as far as possible. We will conclude with "counter poses" to release the muscles that will be used the most in this workshop

Each 2 hour workshop will include warm up, discussion, practice and Q&A. Participants will be emailed handouts to use during the workshops. You can choose to print them or be eco-friendly and view them on your electronic devices.

A regular practice is recommended for this series of workshops however it is not required. Students will be expected to have a general understanding of sun salutations as they will be used to warm up. Come dressed to move and bring pen and paper if you like to take notes. 

Yoga teachers: This workshop counts as 2 contact hours with the Yoga Alliance. Please check the flyer for each individual workshop for the YACEP designation as many of these workshops will count as contact hours.

$30 by 2/20, $35 after

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Yoga for the Female Pelvic Floor
12:00 PM12:00

Yoga for the Female Pelvic Floor

with Cindy Conlon

The pelvic floor is diamond-shaped set of muscles lies at the base of the torso and supports our internal organs. If these muscles are either too tight or too weak, we can experience problems with digestion, elimination, and/or sexual functioning.

This workshop will help you understand why pelvic floor health matters and how to maintain optimal pelvic floor health. Participants will engage in specific practices to access, tone and stretch their pelvic floor muscles. Reference materials for use after the workshop will be provided.

This workshop is open to women age 18 and over. Wear comfortable loose clothing and bring a yoga mat.

Cindy Conlon has over 500 hours of yoga teacher training (White Lotus in Santa Barbara, CA, and Yogaview in Chicago,IL) and has studied with Leslie Howard, the author of Pelvic Liberation and a national expert in pelvic floor health. Leslie has developed Pelvic Floor Yoga, a program that aims to normalize the conversation around pelvic wellness. This workshop will draw on Leslie’s insights as well as Cindy’s experience and knowledge, introducing the key yoga postures and breathing techniques that awaken and heal the muscles around the pelvis.

$30 by 1/9, $35 after

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Yoga Nidra - the Yoga of Deep Rest
7:00 PM19:00

Yoga Nidra - the Yoga of Deep Rest

with Jenna Steep

This beginner-friendly class will introduce attendees to the practice and process of yoga nidra. We will briefly explore yoga nidra’s history, therapeutic applications of it as well as it’s place in the world today.
Participants will then be invited to make themselves a comfy cozy nest with pillows, bolsters, blankets and support in order to rest comfortably and meet directly the openness of awareness which is yoga nidra.
Students will be guided through a 25-30 minute practice of yoga nidra which may include elements of mantra, song and visualization.
The final 10-15 minutes of the evening will be used as a “bridge” welcoming practitioners back from the expanded state of consciousness which is yoga nidra, back into an everyday state of awareness. It may include recitation of mantra, poetry or some other evocative form of expression, and will close with a sung blessing for all in attendance.


minimum of 5 people registered by 1:30 pm 9/6

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